Devvrat Singh

Are you a 50+ and struggle to stay on track with your health and diet through the holidays?

A plan to navigate the season without gaining weight, feeling sluggish, or totally stressing out…

Get Ready To Make It Happen With My Healthy Holiday Survival Kit!

My Story

I help adults 50+ develop healthy rituals to revitalize their health so they can live long, active and vibrant lives! 

My passion for focusing on health and wellness started when I was young.
My life was filled with close relatives who lost the battle with chronic diseases and left us too early. I vowed early in life to learn everything I could to help myself and others prevent this from happening to them and their loved ones.

So, I became an eternal researcher on healthy rituals and the best tools to boost immune systems to avoid the chronic ailments that most experience as they age.
Over the years I’ve focused on learning everything I could about Natural Health & Wellness and how to live a long, active and fulfilling life.

Imagine this…
You make it through the holidays feeling fabulous.
You have solutions for you whether you’re tempted by grandma’s homemade pie at your family get-together, struggling to keep your cocktail intake in check at parties, or wondering what to eat if you’re traveling and on the go.

Ease your stresses and not just survive, but THRIVE through the holidays.

Get your Holiday Survival Kit and apply the strategies that teach you when & how to say no. thank you to the guilty pleasures that the season brings AND how to say yes, please & actually enjoy your indulgence, guilt-free holiday!

Balance life and work through the holidays and get a jump-start for 2022 with your Holiday Success Blueprint Call!

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When you sign up for The Holiday Survival Kit, you’ll get:

20-page Survival Guide

loaded with tips for keeping your sanity (& current waistline size) during the holidays

Detailed Shopping List

to save you tons of time at the store

Food & Self-Love Journal

to help keep you centered and joyful during your celebrations!

Do you worry about how you are going to make it through to the New Year without all of the stress & overindulgence?

Feel like you can never say no to holiday treats….
Or that your favorite outfit won’t fit a month from now? You CAN have a healthy, happy, energetic holiday season even if you: You CAN Have A Healthy, Happy, Energetic Holiday Season Even If You Have Found Yourself Overscheduling And Overindulging In The Past.


Not only will you get the Holiday Kit and all of the goodies, but you will get a ONE-ON-ONE Holiday Success Blueprint Call with me. Let's create a plan to put you ahead of the game, let you still enjoy your holiday and not regret "just letting yourself go", come the new year. Plus, you will get text support through December, just like your own little elf on your shoulder. Let's spend some time together and knock out a plan for you. Not some crazy diet or lifestyle you won't stick to, but Easy and Effective steps to put you in the right direction. You'll have a plan to enjoy the holidays without giving up all your favorites. It keeps the novelty factor running and keeps your body and mind happy.

Ready to Get Started?

frequently asked questions

When you sign up for this Kit, you not only get all of the goodies above.
You also get a one-on-one Private Holiday Success Blueprint Call to glide through the holidays with ease.

Most people know what they need to live a healthy lifestyle. They know it’s important to eat whole foods, exercise, and manage their stress. It’s the implementation of these elements that tend to cause internal & external challenges for people. That’s where I come in.

My focus with clients: 

  • Finding healthy ways to achieve peace of mind.
  • The health challenges that go with being constantly stressed and on the go: lack of proper sleep, digestive issues, stress-related obstacles which can lead to anxiety, depression, and to many of the common chronic diseases. 
  •  How to live a healthier, happier life – younger and longer.
  • How to overcome the many unhealthy distractions we use to find false peace of mind.
  • Create a plan to make their daily lives less stressful, healthier, more productive and fulfilling.
  • And…Living Each Day To Its Fullest!


All information, content, and material of this website is for informational purposes and DOES NOT serve as a medical diagnosis or treatment. Always see a qualified physician or healthcare provider for medical situations.

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